Explore Cirencester with a guided walk from the experts at Cirencester Ramblers
Cirencester Ramblers have a series of self-guided walks available to download from their website showcasing some of the highlights of Cirencester. Of course, one of these walks had to include a visit to the AQIVA site!
Walk four is called AMPHITHEATRE AND CIRENCESTER PARK and described as: “A circular walk from Cirencester Market Place visiting the Amphitheatre and on to Cirencester Park”.
Length: 2½ miles / 4 km.
The route begins at the parish church before heading out of town to the Amphitheatre, Four Acres Field and into Cirencester Park, before returning back into the centre of Cirencester.
Head to cirencesterramblers.org.uk for more information about Cirencester’s rambling group and to browse the series of self-guided walk leaflets.