The opening paragraph and picture of our previous newsletter were the sad image of a large pile of rubbish collected from around the amphitheatre. What a pleasure it is this time to have something in total contrast to the thoughtless and potentially dangerous disrespect shown by the few: THE ROMANS RETURNED

Wow, what a day! After postponements of the Ermine Street Guard event in 2020 and 2021 due to Covid, and again in September this year because of the Queen’s funeral, we were very much holding our breath for the revised date of 2nd October, particularly nervous about the weather. But it was warm, dry and simply a wonderful day in all respects.

We had approaching 2,000 visitors across the day and it was not only entertaining and educational, but also a chance to see uniforms, weapons, tools and other artefacts which are totally authentic to the period. Of special significance was that this year has been the 50th anniversary of the Ermine Street Guard and as they are Gloucester based, it was fitting that they rounded off their season at a local, genuinely Roman, venue. It was quite an eye opener to learn that there are still two of their current team who have been with them from the outset. If you would like to learn more, they have a fascinating website:
Thanks must go to those who, on the day and beforehand, contributed towards making it all such a success: English Heritage who undertook much of the organisation and more besides, Cotswold District Council and Cirencester Town Council for much of the funding, AQIVA (us!) also for some of the funding and for providing stewards on the day, and to everyone who came to the event making it all worthwhile. Of course, pride of place goes to the Ermine Street Guard themselves, without whom……. Maybe we should also thank the Romans for having provided the venue in the first place.
For the rest, we’ll let a few more pictures do the talking.

Querns Wood
Sorry, not much going on here at the moment, but a fine collection of mushrooms amongst the rotting wood

Four Acre Field
Even as we entered December, there were still a few things coming into flower that had no business being there this late in the year. It seems that this has been part of a country wide pattern. It will be interesting to see what happens come the spring – hopefully, nature will have reset itself to its normal timeline.
Regular users may have noticed recently that one of the benches disappeared and was replaced by a traffic cone. The base was becoming loose and unstable so a more secure footing has been put in. In case you were wondering, this was not a trial in alternative seating methods.
Also the gap in the double gates from Chesterton Lane into the field (a perfect escape route for small/medium dogs) has been secured with some sturdy mesh.
One more picture for our Four Acre Field collection, totally unrelated to anything we’ve written here, but we just liked it.

Our work parties were extended by a month this year, running into October. Sincere thanks to all those who worked with us at any time for your wonderful support. One final (wet) session was held in November to plant 300 daffodil bulbs that had been donated to us. In addition, we have also been given a quantity of snowdrop bulbs which will give a welcome early indicator of spring.
September brought one of the more bizarre acts of vandalism we’ve come across, a combination of illegible graffiti, decoration, fruit and a substantial dollop of candle wax. If anyone knows what all that was about, we’d love to hear from you.

And as always…
More photos and other info on facebook:
We continue our committee meetings by Zoom on the 4th Thursday of every month (not December, next one on 26th January). You are very welcome to join us if you wish. Please click here to contact Alison for more detail (or email her on:
And if you have friends, family, neighbours or anyone who might be interested in learning more about what is going on, please pass on our contact details.