by Joanna Tubbs | Aug 8, 2021 | Newsletter
Winter 2020 – Spring 2021 You may be familiar with an organisation known as the Green Gym (although we now learn that they no longer use this name). They are involved in maintaining/improving/developing all of the grounds around Cirencester Hospital, which are...
by Joanna Tubbs | Dec 1, 2020 | Newsletter
Autumn 2020 In the more than 6 years since our first newsletter (March 2014), we have issued either 3 or 4 every year, but as far as 2020 is concerned, this is it! Obviously pretty much all our planned events and activities have been cancelled or postponed, but some...
by Joanna Tubbs | Nov 1, 2019 | Newsletter
Autumn 19 We haven’t got as many photos as usual this time round, no kids, no Roman armies, no flowers or animals. But, hey folks, see below, we’ve won an award, for work done in clearing around, improving access to and developing/maintaining the obelisk area. (CPRE =...
by Joanna Tubbs | Aug 1, 2019 | Newsletter
Summer 19 Our last newsletter was sent out late April, since when we have had a multitude of seasons so we thought we’d start this time with some of the flora and fauna that have been showing their faces between then and now. Bluebells and bees; cowslips; speckled...
by Joanna Tubbs | Apr 1, 2019 | Newsletter
Winter 2018 – Spring 2019 A long gap since the last newsletter, but it has been a very quiet winter period and things have only started to kick off again in recent weeks. Thanks once more to the Chesterton Community group for organising a litter pick in April around...
by Joanna Tubbs | Nov 1, 2018 | Newsletter
Summer – Autumn 2018 Cirencester Roman Amphitheatre from above The amphitheatre hogs the headlines this time round, for two reasons, the first being the welcome return on 23rd September of the Ermine Street Guard and their wonderful Roman army re-enactment. More of...